

Infix Präfix Postfix Konvertieren

Infix Prefix Postfix Convert is a free Android utility and tools app developed by Kocher Production. This app allows users to convert expressions from Infix notation to Postfix notation (also known as Reverse Polish Notation) and to Prefix notation (also known as Polish notation). Additionally, the app can evaluate the infix/prefix/postfix expressions, perform parenthesis checks, and handle invalid inputs.

Infix Prefix Postfix Convert supports numbers, alphabets, and basic arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /, ^, %) in the expressions. However, the evaluation is only performed for numbers. The app provides a convenient way to convert and evaluate different notations, making it useful for students and professionals studying data structures.

For any feedback or queries, users can contact the developer at

CREDITS: Mrs. Shalini Singh Jaspal, Assistant Professor at BVICAM, for teaching DATA STRUCTURES.

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